Part 1 – Learning to be Grateful for our Journey as Special Needs Parents

If you have a child with special needs, surely, you’ve noticed that there’s something very beautiful and unique about them. Perhaps they touch your heart in a special way, or perhaps their lightheartedness and appreciation for the ordinary makes you smile. Many children with special needs have a bright light within them that has the […]

Our Children with Special Needs are Enough, Just as They are

Why do some people perceive our children with special needs as ‘not enough’? Why don’t they see what we see? Why aren’t our children with special needs valued or seen like other children are? As a parent to a daughter with Atypical Rett Syndrome, and as a Pediatric NeuroMovement® practitioner, I believe our children with […]

Seeing Your Child with Special Needs in Their True Essence

Think of a time when you simply gazed into the eyes of a two-month-old, completely overcome by their being, without judgment; without the need to do anything other than immerse yourself in their presence. How often do you remember doing this with your littles under one? It occurred to me, while visiting my three-month-old niece […]

The Importance of Advocating for Our Children with Special Needs

In a society where our children are judged and where limitations are projected onto them before they even get a chance to try, it is essential that parents educate themselves and become empowered to advocate for their children. I was once interviewed to discuss ways that parents of typical developing children could speak to their […]

What Does it Take for us to Truly Show Up for our Differently Abled Children?

To tap into that which is innate within our differently abled children, we must first clear away the fog that holds us back from fully embracing and loving ourselves – the light and the shadow. We must learn to accept who we are, without the constant need for validation. We must gain the confidence to […]

Why Finding Your Way is Essential on the Parent Journey

What does it mean to simply be present to our children? Most of us don’t quite know out of an inability to be present to ourselves; to take moments of pause to witness what we feel; to sit in silence and be present to our own unique experience, to our own essence and wisdom. It is only in allowing […]

How to Guide Our Kids Towards Happiness

I recently picked up The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks, an audio book I had listened to many years ago, but felt inclined to revisit. For those who don’t know, there are three universal laws that govern the universe: the law of attraction, the law of deliberate creation and the law of allowing. To […]

Breaking Past the Illusion: Different is Not Bad

It’s important for parents and caregivers to know that it is so understandable for us to experience fear when we learn that our child is identified or labelled as different. From the moment we were born, we were taught that we needed to fit into this world to survive and to feel safe. We were given a blueprint of […]

Mourning the fantasy that promised happiness

When we are given a diagnosis for our child, we begin to mourn a fantasy about what our lives were meant to look like that we believed promised happiness. This fantasy stood in alignment with the person we’ve known and been for most of our lives. A version of ourselves that was molded and shaped by our conditioning, beliefs, culture and life […]

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